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The Most Powerful Conversation You've Ever Had

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

Has it ever happened to you?

You are sharing a challenge with your boss, a colleague or your spouse. He tells you "I know exactly what you are going through. I went through the same", then goes through his experience and then gives you HIS solution: "You have to do this and this." You don't feel neither listened nor understood at all, and you don’t believe his solution will work in your situation.

You don't feel neither listened nor understood at all.
You don't feel neither listened nor understood at all.

Here comes the importance of active listening and powerful questions. How to ask the right questions at the right time? How not to jump to conclusions? How to remove your own subjectivity (each person's situation and perception of the situation is so unique)?

This is what you can achieve with a coaching conversation, a deep conversation where you ask great questions to unlock potential and possibilities.  

There has perhaps never been an opportunity so ripe for a great coaching conversation. This unprecedented time creates a learning & sharing opportunity like no other – and we encourage you to reach out to your teams, friends & family to have deep and meaningful conversations.

You can use the GROW model - developed by Sir John Whitmore - as a simple and effective way to help people set and achieve their goals and reflect on their current realities. This framework is a 4-step model: G for GOALS, R for Reality, O for Options, W for Way forward that will help you elicit objectives, obstacles, options and more without ever needing to offer advice or force any particular direction. 

How to Get ICF-Certified as a Coach ?

Why GoMasterCoach Institute ?

  • A modern training based on the latest industry research, including NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Techniques, Cognitive Biases and Limiting Beliefs Techniques.

  • Free access to the Coaching Toolbox with 20+ of the top Coaching tools.

  • Get your Certification 100% online, In Person in Singapore, or Hybrid.

  • 100% Success at the CKA Exam with mock exams and ready-to-use cheat sheets.

  • Unlimited access to Group Mentoring sessions.

  • A Peer Coaching Network to help you accumulate your Coaching Hours.

  • A support before the Training and well after the Training: Free Support to help you Grow your Business (Branding, Website, Digital Marketing..).

  • A strong alumni network, which offers Business Collaborations opportunities.

Best Value For Money you Will Find !!!

You can decide either to do it 100% Online from Anywhere or in-class in Singapore:

Everything You Need to Know to Become a Certified Coach - Free Masterclass:

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